So, after Monkeytown I headed over to Glasslands to meet my friend Dave who was there to see this band Emergency Party, whom I've never heard of... Oh. My. God. Emergency Party is sick!!!!!!! Imagine if Frank Zappa, Jack Black, a Pregnant Lady, John Bonham, and a Sitar formed a band. Holy shit their drummer is good. I don't think I remember one lyric from any of their songs but it didn't matter they were so tight. I'm seriously considering buying a Sitar, it sounds amazing in a band setting! I actually crashed at the bass player and lead guitarist's apartment a couple of years ago (I didn't know them, but my friend Mark was living with them at the time) and I remember they had the biggest personal record collection I've ever seen! Floor to ceiling shelves filled with records along two big walls! I just stood in awe and spent an entire afternoon browsing and listening to obscure LPs (what a way to spend a day!). They must've picked up some serious skills from those records cuz that might be the best show of 2008 and it's only just begun!