I have seen Weezer a few times, but never had a chance to see their most successful synth-fueled spin-off The Rentals until now. Featuring an enigmatic Matt Sharp as the front man, who was the original bass player for the Weez and left after Pinkerton (one could argue that the Weez lost a bit of it's magic after the split, since subsequent albums were not nearly as 'classic' but I digress...) I was trying to skip the first two bands, because I had no interest in seeing them, but alas the first band didn't go on until 9:30 for a 7pm doors (BS!), and it was pure torture listening to them (luckily, at this point I've purged all thoughts of them from my memory). But at last The Rents came on, and opened up with an extra slow and spooky "The Love I'm Searching For." They played pretty much every Rentals song you'd ever want to hear, mostly from their first, best album, with all the hooks and sing-a-longs intact, even a couple from their second not-too-shabby, album (esp. "The Man With Two Brains"). I couldn't tell if Pat (also from Weez) was on drums. Did he get fat and grow a beard? Either way he was good. Also, the synth player with the ridiculous-looking mustache was good. He had about 6 synths on stage, although I couldn't tell what they were (drat!) because he was way in the back. All in all, they had about 8 people on stage, for a large (and older, 30's-ish) ensemble. Their new songs I checked out online and wasn't super impressed with, but the two they played definitely had a little more inspiration live than their older stuff, which is to be expected I guess, so maybe I'll give it a second listen. Still, I can't complain, because they closed with "Friends of P" and that shit still rules.
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