Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sunset Rubdown w/ Johnny and the Moon @ Bowery Ballroom, Tues. Oct. 9th, 2007

I know. I just saw Sunset Rubdown a couple of months ago, but I couldn't resist another rubdown ;) And I'm glad I went, this was a completely different show. Last time Spence (my nickname for the man) was all down because he was turning 30, and didn't even play an encore. This time, they couldn't stop playing and even played a couple of songs they usually don't perform live (like "stadiums and shrines" yay!). Also there were 2-3 songs I'd never heard before, so those were a sweet. And their lead guitarist(s) can shred. There. I said it. It's true. Both of them. Now, this was a talkative crowd (i guess that's what hipsters do - make witty remarks, instead of shaking their butts), saying such ridiculous things as "Spencer for President" to which Camilla replied, "That's a really bad idea." and Spence said, "I'm surprised the only real objection to that idea is that I am Canadian." One person also declared that they had a "Man-crush" on the whole band. Which is funny, because how can you have a man-crush on a whole band, and what exactly is a man-crush? And no, I didn't say it. Also, Johnny and the Moon was good. Kinda like if Bob Dylan and his band were trying to make it today, but wasn't having such an easy ride, because it's been done before. But yeah, kinda folksy, indie-rock croon.

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