It's just so hard to skip a free Band of Horses show. Ahh, who am i kidding, what else am I going to do on a Sunday afternoon in July? This was the first BOH show I've seen in several months and their lead singer looked more grizzled and tour-battled than ever, sporting a chest-long beard and some new tattoos. They had a third guitarist this time, which is kinda over-kill for me, but you do get that big thick wall of sound. As usual, his voice was silky smooth, and I've always wondered what reverb effect he uses (maybe lexicon?). They played a couple of new songs from an album that is coming out in October, which were nice, so we have that to look forward to. He also played "Part One," which was the hi-lite of the show for me. Actually, I like their ballads more than their rockers (cuz I'm a wuss), and I've never seen them play my absolute fav "St. Augustine" live (although i keep requesting it), maybe it just doesn't rock enough to play live, or maybe the finger picking is too hard. Play it dammit! Next time...

Openers The Annuals, played an enthusiastic set of uptempo melodic indie rock. I know that's a generic description, but they're kinda hard to completely pin down. They've got a great front man, lotsa energy and stage presence, and he's got a pretty good scream. Their lead guitarist had some impressive solos. Their bassist looks like Flea. I don't know if that's good of bad. They use two drummers at times, and they have a long-haired girl on Keys (but you can't see her face because her hair covers it completely when she plays, it's kinda spooky and kinda awesome). I'd never seen them before and for some reason I thought they were all going to be in their 30's and lame, but lo-and-behold they're younger than me (ugh, I'm such an old fart! -- it's all in your mind ghory...) But yes, I recommend them. Better live, than on the album. Blah, Blah, Blah. They may need some more time to develop, but their next album should be interesting...
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