Carlos Giffoni actually organized the whole
No Fun Fest and I must admit (even though I am only going to the first 2 days of 4) that it has been a remarkable success. I really like the vibe of this festival. First off, there are no corporate banners anywhere to be seen. And all of the merch tables are small, independent record labels, usually run by the artists themselves. Also, no one was there to see just one particular band, and it was packed (sold out all 4 nights) for every performance. Very special indeed. Anyway, Carlos had a whole table full of custom effects running directly into the sound board for a clean, loud, and intense aural experience. He would build layers of sounds, distorted at certain frequencies, then mess with them with the flick of a dial. After his set he opened a very expensive bottle of rum on stage and took a swig to celebrate his success. He earned it.